Property Law A co-owner has to pay his share for urgent works The First Hall of the Civil Court on 22 March, 2016 in John sive Juanito Pullicino –v- Carm Lino Scerri, laid down that a co-owner…MMA EditorMarch 31, 2016
Civil LawProperty Law Damages arise when a co-owner excludes another co-owner The First Hall of the Civil Court on 15 March 2016, delivered a judgement in Paul Lungaro -v- Salvino Lungaro. Mr Justice Lawrence Mintoff held…MMA EditorMarch 28, 2016
Civil LawProperty Law Interpretation of a contract is taken from the wording of the contract The First Hall of the Civil Courts held in its judgement of 24 February, 2016 in Gordon and Charlene Farrugia –v- Aldo Farrugia, that if…MMA EditorMarch 3, 2016
Property Law When a Promise of Sale may not be honoured Mr Justice Lino Farrugia Sacco on 16 December 2013 decided in the lawsuit between Patricia Degiorgio –v- Ramel u Zrar Limited that a promise of…MMA EditorJanuary 6, 2014